Herbicides VS Harvesting

Increasing Harvest Demand: The demand is increasing more and more every year for weed clearing/harvesting companies as people are realizing that chemically killing weeds is destroying the ponds and lakes in Florida. We have a unique environment that is constantly at war with things like the blue-green algae blooms which are harmful to people and animals. […]
Herbicide Dangers

Davis Land Company – Weed & Invasive Plant Removal If spraying herbicide to rid your pond of weeds is your choice, we will gladly help you out. But if you’re looking for an alternative way of getting rid of invasive plant species, look no further than Davis Land Company. We have the right tools for […]
How Forestry Mulching Can Transform Your Property

Nothing quite makes a mess of a property like a lot of overgrown brush and trees. This kind of growth is not only a terrible eyesore but it also uses up space and makes areas on your otherwise-expansive property non-functional. If you have areas of overgrowth such as this, then you need a solution that […]